BACKUP for Life Update: Dec 2019

December 2019

During the month of October we had a great rollup of former and transitioning officers attend the Holistic Health and Wellbeing workshop, as well as our Career Confidence workshop, run in the NSWPL Boardroom. Facilitators Margie Braunstein from the Quest for Life Foundation and Jane Jackson, career coach, did a wonderful job as usual supporting and inspiring our former and transitioning officers. Keep an eye out for further programs to be run at Police Legacy in the New Year.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful Backup for Life Mentors who continue to give so much of their own time and energy supporting both Richard and I in the work they do assisting our former police and their families. Over the coming months our mentors will be working with our transitioning police to make the journey to the civilian world a lot easier. We will be training another group of mentors in the New Year so if you are interested in becoming a BUFL Mentor and joining our amazing group of volunteers please go to our website and view the application process.

I’d also like to acknowledge the support and assistance of Gary Raymond who through his chaplaincy work is constantly assisting our former officers and families during difficult times facing challenges post policing.

Finally, BACKUP for Life has a new mobile number: 0488 033 325. Our landline continues to be (02) 9264 4531.