Family Day 2019

August 2019

Another wonderful day of celebration with the diverse, engaged, and engaging Police Family! After weeks of us squinting anxiously at the weather report, the weather gods decided to smile, and glorious Autumn weather set the mood for the day ahead. With the generous permission of the Governor, the spectacular Government House and grounds were once again ours to enjoy, and it didn’t take long for our family to add its own particular flavour to the location: Police Band, Police Horses, Police Commissioner, Police Minister, and, most important of all, Police Family!

Activities on offer included face painting, sitting for caricatures, strolling the grounds, admiring the collections of Government House, enjoying the sunshine and the food, talking to the dogs, talking to the horses, and talking to each other! It’s always so gratifying for us to see people from all around the State coming together on these days and strengthening the bonds of family and friendship.

We send out a huge thank you to the Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Mr. Michael Fuller APM, Commissioner of Police, and The Hon David Elliott MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, for attending the day. We also thank the police band, the police horses (and their riders!), Delta Society and their dogs, and all of our wonderful volunteers who give so much to ensure that days like this run so smoothly.