Farewell from the COO

December 2022

I have recently resigned from my role as Chief Operating Officer to take up a new position at TAFE NSW. Having spent most of my working life in the Police Family it has not been an easy decision.

The people that we support at NSW Police Legacy have inspired me for the past four years and I am grateful to those that have so willingly shared their stories with me. I have been privileged to gain a deeper understanding of the remarkable social impact that our organisation has on the individuals and families we support.

At the end of my first year I wrote about watching our younger legatees lay wreaths at the Remembrance Day Ceremony, and how that was one of the many occasions that reminded me of the importance of our work. At the ceremony this year I was again filled with a sense of sadness observing this important ritual, but I was also filled with optimism at the ways NSW Police Legacy has enhanced, and will continue to enhance, the lives of our children and youth through meaningful support.

Measurable social impact would not be possible without the support from serving officers, our charity partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers. I am thankful to have forged many friendships through engagement and connection with our wonderful supporters.

There will always be a part of my heart that will beat blue. I leave NSW Police Legacy knowing that I have given my best. I could not have achieved this without support from the Board, and the dedicated, resilient and compassionate team. I thank them sincerely for this support.

I hope that 2023 is full of good health and much happiness and I hope to see many of you at future fundraising events.